Alcoholism White Plains

Many people seeking treatment for addiction may prefer facilities equipped with the right recovery tools to treat their disease. Alcoholics, especially, should find professional assistance for their substance abuse. Alcoholism treatment truly begins when the alcoholic quits drinking. Alcoholism is a treatable disease, but it requires that patients be dedicated to their recovery. Lack of commitment to alcoholism treatment will not lead to a successful recovery.

Treatment Stages

Treatment normally includes three phases:

Detox: This stage involves the elimination of addictive substances from the body. Throughout this stage, individuals struggling with alcohol addiction may experience moderate to severe symptoms of withdrawal such as seizures, shaking, sleeping disorders, hallucinations, and in some severe cases, death. Medical supervision is required during this stage to make sure all patients are stabilized and are able to get through it with the least amount of discomfort possible.

Rehab: Throughout this stage, recovering individuals get treatment through a series of counseling sessions and medical treatment procedures. This personalized treatment approach helps them maintain sobriety. Rehab can be both inpatient and outpatient.

Remaining Sober: At this stage, patients will practice and learn new tools for sober living. The main goal is to maintain sobriety. Support can come from groups such as Narcotics Anonymous or Alcoholics Anonymous.

Alcohol & Meds

Prescription drugs, including benzos and anti-anxiety medications, are employed throughout alcoholism treatment when necessary. These prescription medications help some patients cope with symptoms of withdrawal such as insomnia, anxiety and seizures.

Benzos and anti-anxiety medications are prescribed to patients who need them during the detox recovery period. These drugs should be administered by a professional and discontinued once the physician has decided it is time to do so.

Some medications are administered to treat addiction and help users remain sober. Disulfiram, for instance, is generally used once the recovering individual is sober and has completed the detox stage. Acamprosate is another FDA-approved drug that is prescribed to help patients cope with cravings.

The goal in recovery is practicing total abstinence. Recovery may involve other treatment approaches, such as individual and group therapy, education programs and participation in support groups. Although Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is one of the most popular self-help groups , other 12-step programs have proven to be successful as well.

Alcoholism and Diet

A poor diet goes hand in hand with substance abuse. While alcohol has a lot of calories, it's not nourishing to the body. When users drink in excess, the body may become dependent on it. Individuals who drink for a long time generally have a deficiency in vitamins, antioxidants and fatty acids. Vitamin B-1 and multivitamins can supply these nutrients. Throughout the initial stages of recovery, users are also advised to reduce sugar and caffeine intake since this may lead to mood swings.

If you are struggling with alcohol addiction and need to locate a treatment center, call (877) 804-1531. Professionals who admire and respect your efforts are ready to take your call at White Plains drug rehab centers.

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